7 Facts About the Boston Cambridge Newton, MA NH Wedding Market

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Number of Weddings


Average Wedding Cost

Number of Weddings

How many people got married last year in Boston Cambridge Newton, MA NH - (Metropolitan Area)?

  • The total number of weddings in Boston Cambridge Newton, MA NH - (Metropolitan Area) for 2023 was 26,292.
  • It ranks 12 out of 933 Metropolitan Areas in number of weddings.

Average Wedding Cost

What is the average cost of a wedding in Boston Cambridge Newton, MA NH - (Metropolitan Area)?

  • The average wedding cost in Boston Cambridge Newton, MA NH - (Metropolitan Area) for 2023 was $44,560.
  • It ranks 11 out of 933 Metropolitan Areas in average wedding cost.


Median Wedding Cost

219 - 229

Average Number of Guests

Median Wedding Cost

What is the median cost of a wedding in Boston Cambridge Newton, MA NH - (Metropolitan Area)?

  • The median wedding cost in Boston Cambridge Newton, MA NH - (Metropolitan Area) for 2023 was $24,345.

Number of Guests

What is the average wedding guest list size in Boston Cambridge Newton, MA NH - (Metropolitan Area)?

  • The average number of guests at a wedding in Boston Cambridge Newton, MA NH - (Metropolitan Area) for 2023 was 219 - 229.
  • It ranks 8 out of 933 Metropolitan Areas in average number of guests.

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